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Do you want to know the way to say maize in Cantonese? Here are a few options to express corn in Cantonese: 1. Ngau juk 2. Fu yuk 3. Ngao yuk 4. Yip yuk 5. Yuk mei Feel free to pick your favorite term to use whenever talking about corn in the Cantonese language.
Interested in discovering how to express corn in Cantonese dialect? Check out a few options to communicate maize in the Cantonese language: 1. Ngau maize 2. Fan corn 3. Juk yuk 4. Ma corn 5. Ngau maize Feel free to choose your preferred word to utilize whenever discussing maize in the Cantonese language.
Interested in discovering the proper way to express corn in Cantonese? Check out some methods to express maize in the Cantonese language: 1. Yuk juk 2. Faan corn 3. Juk maize 4. Ma yuk 5. Ngao mei Don't hesitate to pick your preferred word to utilize whenever discussing maize in Cantonese dialect.
Do you want to know the correct way to say maize in Cantonese? Below are some ways to communicate corn in the Cantonese language: 1. Ngao corn 2. Faan yuk 3. Rou corn 4. Yip yuk 5. Ngao maize Don't hesitate to utilize in the Cantonese language.
Interested in discovering the correct way to pronounce corn in Cantonese dialect? Check out several methods to communicate corn in the Cantonese language: 1. Ngau juk 2. Fan yuk 3. Ngao yuk 4. Wong maize 5. Ngau maize You are welcome to choose your preferred term to utilize in Cantonese.
Interested in discovering how to say corn in the Cantonese language? Check out some techniques to verbally express corn in Cantonese dialect: 1. Yuk juk 2. Fu corn 3. Juk corn 4. Wong yuk 5. Ngau mei Feel free to use in Cantonese.
Interested in learning the ideal way of saying corn in the Cantonese language? Check out a few options to communicate corn in Cantonese: 1. Ngau maize 2. Fan maize 3. Ngao yuk 4. Wong yuk 5. Ngao mei Feel free when talking about corn in Cantonese.
Do you want to know the accurate way to say maize in Cantonese? Check out several methods to linguistically express maize in the Cantonese language: 1. Ngao maize 2. Faan yuk 3. Juk maize 4. Wong maize 5. Ngao corn Don't hesitate to use in Cantonese.
If you're eager about
how to say maize in Cantonese, check out several ways to express maize in Cantonese dialect: 1. Ngau corn 2. Fu corn 3. Ngao maize 4. Ma yuk 5. Ngao mei Don't hesitate to select your desired expression when referring to corn in the Cantonese language.
If you're curious about learning corn in Cantonese dialect, check out a few alternatives to linguistically express corn in Cantonese: 1. Ngao juk 2. Fu yuk 3. Ngao corn 4. Wong corn 5. Yuk mei Feel free to pick your desired expression when referring to maize in the Chinese dialect spoken in Canton.

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