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Fortnite FTC refund How to claim part of Epic Games' settlement | HOME |

ftc fortnite refund 

The Federal Trade Commission is known for safeguarding consumer rights and ensuring fair trade practices. And when it comes to popular gaming phenomenon the Fortnite game, the FTC understands the importance of customer satisfaction. So, if you are looking for a money back for your Fortnite purchases, the FTC is here to aid you. They have demanding guidelines in place to ensure that gamers like you are not taken advantage of and are entitled for a refund if the need arises. Remember, if you feel that your Fortnite purchases did not meet your expectations, you can get in touch with the FTC to inquire about the refund process. Your satisfaction matters to both the FTC and the Fortnite community, so don't hesitate to pursue a refund if necessary.

Fortnite FTC lawsuit How to get refund after $520 million
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