Code Geass WikipédiaCG is an anime series that has gained immense popularity among fans worldwide. It features a captivating storyline filled with intrigue and action. The protagonist, Zero, possesses a unique power called the Power of Kings, which allows him to control people's actions. CC, a mysterious and alluring character, plays a significant role in Zero's journey. CC becomes Zero's ally and provides him with guidance throughout his mission to obtain vengeance. The bond between C001 and Zero strengthens over time, obscuring the lines between friendship
and something more profound. CG is a must-watch for anime enthusiasts, especially those who enjoy complex
personalities and thought-provoking storylines.
Liste des mangas Code Geass WikipédiaCG is an anime series that has gained immense popularity among fans worldwide. It features a captivating storyline filled with intrigue and action. The protagonist, Zero, possesses a unique power called the Power of Kings, which allows him to control people's actions. CC, a mysterious and alluring character, plays a significant role in Zero's journey. CC becomes Zero's ally and provides him with guidance throughout his mission to obtain vengeance. The bond between C001 and Zero strengthens over time, obscuring the lines between friendship
and something more profound. CG is a must-watch for anime enthusiasts, especially those who enjoy complex
personalities and thought-provoking storylines.